SCASM 2.50/2.88

Buildings and other generic objects


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FS2002 generic objects
FS2000 buildings

This document contains instructions for buildings and other pre defined objects for FS2000 and later.

2.70 - FS2002
GObj( ... )

Generic object command
This includes different generic object types.


2.70 - FS2002
GObj( BUILDING <parameters as known> )

replaces the old AdvBldg() command
See AdvBldg(...) for types and parameters.


2.70 - FS2002
GObj( EFFECT "string1" "string2" )

This instruction activates an FS 2002 effect. For more information please look at the FS2002 effects SDK from Microsoft ®.

string1  The name of the effect file (*.fx)
string2  This is the parameter string for the effect. Set it to "" if the effect uses no parameters.


2.70 - FS2002
GObj( WINDSOCK bx bz by h l pool_color sock_color f )
bx, bz, by  bias values, always found 0
windsock pool height in scale units
(normally scale 0.5 and height 11)
windsock length in scale units
(normally scale 0.5 and length 7)
pool_color  in ARGB format, usually EF 197 197 197
sock_color  in ARGB format, usually EF 245 171 84
flag, 1 if lighted (?) otherwise 0

Note, the ARGB color format in this command does not depend on the "fsvers" switch.

2.70 - FS2002
GObj( UNKNOWN 0x?? ... 0x?? )

Testversion of the GObj() command.
Only the binary code for the generic object and its length is generated. All other information like type and parameters has to be entered as hex bytes.
Remember: don't use leading zeros in hex numbers if you omit the "0x" prefix or using lower case letters.


These Building types are introduced with FS2000. In FS2002 other objects are added. It is recommended to use the newer GObj() format which produces the same binary code. This FS2000 format is continued for source code compatibility reasons.

AdvBldg(type[sides]widthdeepth [rwidthrdeepth]   
 LEVEL1texnumhightx  [y]   
 LEVEL2texnunhightx [z]y   
 LEVEL3texnumhightx  [y]   
 ROOFtexnum x  y[hightz])

This is the general overwiew for the new complex building format (advanced building). Not all types have all possible parameters. For details see the format variations below.

type normal a normal 4 sided rectangle building
  peaked as above, but with a peaked roof
  sloped 4 sided building with sloped sides
  poly n/poly sided building
texnum texture number. If you want to enter the texture number in hex type it as 0x1E.
In the moment I don't have a list of texture numbers and the coresponding file names.
width width of that building in meters
rwidth width of the roof
deepth deepth of the building (m)
rdeepth deepth of the roof
height height of that building element
ROOF The new building data structure contains several subrecords of different sizes.
These keywords are used to select them. You have to select at least one of the LEVEL's and the ROOF
x,y,z pixel control values in different directions


AdvBldg(NORMAL width deepth
 LEVEL1texnumhightx  y
 LEVEL2texnumhightx zy
 LEVEL3texnumhightx  y
 ROOFtexnum x  y
Normal building


AdvBldg(PEAKED width deepth  
 LEVEL1texnumhightx  y  
 LEVEL2texnumhightx zy  
 LEVEL3texnumhightx  y  
 ROOFtexnum x  yhightz
Peaked building


AdvBldg(SLOPEDwidthdeepth rwidthrdeepth 
 LEVEL1texnumhightx  y
 LEVEL2texnumhightx zy
 LEVEL3texnumhightx  y
 ROOFtexnum x  y
Sloped building
FS2K cannot display buildings with a roof size larger than the ground surface (inverted pyramid).


 LEVEL2texnumhightx y
 ROOFtexnum x y
POLY building be continued ...


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